
Promotion of publication: “Structure and Functioning of the European Court for Human Rights (with a Focus on the Admissibility Criteria for an Application)”

On November 28, 2018, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Skopje Office, held a promotional event for its publication “Structure and Functioning of the European Court for Human Rights (with a Focus on the Admissibility Criteria for an Application)” written by Dr. Jelena Ristikj.

The event, held at Public Room, Skopje, highlighted the importance of a consistent jurisprudence in Macedonia as part of the country’s strategic priorities in the process of EU integration. The data regarding Macedonia showing a low percentage of cases in which the Court has reached a ruling indicate a serious lack of knowledge of the applicants regarding the criteria for submitting an application to the Court. Having this in mind, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has supported the need for a relevant and updated literature about the structures and functioning of the ECtHR. Therefore, the publication “Structure and Functioning of the European Court for Human Rights” is presenting a systematic and coherent overview of the procedures and the criteria for applying. The publication is targeting lawyers, legal advisors, parties interested and working on the topic of protection of human rights, students, as well as the general public.

At the same time, during the event it was announced the intention to draw up a following analysis by FES Skopje encompassing the most common mistakes made during the submission of applications to the Court. With this, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung is hoping to contribute to a more successful approach when submitting applications to the ECtHR and to a more transparent and accountable Rule of Law in Macedonia. 

Фондација Фридрих Еберт Скопје

Бул. 8-ми септември 2/2-5
(Зградата на Гранд Плаза), 
1000 Скопје, 
Северна Македонија

+389 2 3093-181 / -182