
Regional women’s leadership academy 2020

Regional Women’s leadership academy

is unique program for female activists from left political parties, movements, civil society organizations and trade unions in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia

We inspire and move women’s leadership based on the
values of law, equality, and solidarity.

We offer new knowledge and skills that are a base of the future
success of our participants.

We connect and encourage joint women’s work for peace, good neighborliness, regional cooperation, and development.


More information about the Regional women’s leadership academy 2020 can be found here.

Фондација Фридрих Еберт Скопје

Бул. 8-ми септември 2/2-5
(Зградата на Гранд Плаза), 
1000 Скопје, 
Северна Македонија

+389 2 3093-181 / -182