
The Role of Young People in Trade Unions

On 30th of October during a public discussion "The Role of Youth in Trade Unions", the Program and the Action Plan of the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SMSSM) were presented.


The public discussion, which was organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Skopje Office and the Youth Section of SSM, was intended to inform the wider public, especially youth organizations and other relevant partners for the Program and future activities of the Youth Section and discuss the role of young people in trade unions as crucial in creating better socio-economic environment for them. As presented in the Program, the Youth Section of SSM which main objective is to create initiatives that will strengthen the position of young people on the labor market, as well as to advocate for their labor rights, has recognized the importance of joint activities and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders including youth organizations, other trade unions, government institutions, employers and organizations of employers.  

In a period when various processes of particular importance for young people are taking place, both on national and regional level, the role of youth in trade unions is inevitable and necessary to address the challenges and problems they face as the high youth unemployment rate, low living standard and increasing levels of emigration.

Фондација Фридрих Еберт Скопје

Бул. 8-ми септември 2/2-5
(Зградата на Гранд Плаза), 
1000 Скопје, 
Северна Македонија

+389 2 3093-181 / -182